How can I reach to Sairu from Bandarban town?
You can reach Sairu from Bandarban town by car / jeep or 3-wheeler (CNG) or ‘Chander Gari’ (Pick up van converted for passenger carrying).
Do you provide transportation from Chittagong?
Sorry, we don’t have transport service from Chittagong. But we can refer the name and contact no of the person / Driver with whom you can communicate for transportation. Sairu does not take the responsibility regarding the matter. The name of the person may be contacted: Mr. Nasir, Mobile No. 01795777700.
Do you have any transportation service from Bandarban town to Sairu? If any how much it cost?
We provide transportation between Bandarban town and Sairu at Tk.1,800.00 BDT for each pick up or drop off for 08 persons maximum.
How far it is from Bandarban Town to Sairu?
Sairu is 18 km/ 12 miles from Bandarban Town.
How much time it takes to reach Sairu from Bandarban town?
It takes approximately 40 minutes to reach Sairu from Bandarban Town.
How much it cost for Lunch and Dinner?
It’s all depends on your choice of items in menu which may vary approximately from Tk. 400.00 and above.
Can I have the food Menu of your Restaurant?
Sure .
Do you allow visitors to your resort?
Yes, only restaurant is open for visitors. But we prefer an earlier appointment since sometimes restaurant may be fully occupied by our boarders.
Do you have any package for sightseeing?
We do not provide any guide at this moment but you can hire our vehicle (Chander Gari) for sightseeing.
*Note that:
Sightseeing cost depends on how many places you want to visit at a time.
**Terms & Conditions:
- Time limitation will be 1 hour for individual sightseeing.
- The costing of transport exclude parking, entry & other charges.
- Maximum 8 person can ride at a time in one vehicle.
For more sightseeing related queries, please call:
What is the Check-in and Check-out time?
Our Check-in time is 2:00 pm and Check-out time is 12:00 pm
Do you have swimming pool?
Our swimming pool is 1800 feet above from the ground
How long does it take to reach Sairu From Dhaka via private car?
The standard time of journey by car from Dhaka to Sairu Resorts Ltd., Bandarban is approximately 9 hours (From Dhaka to Chittagong is 5/6 hours, from Chittagong to Bandarban town approximately 2 hours & from Bandarban City to Sairu Hill Resort approximately 40 mints) depending on the traffic situation.
Do you offer any discount or special privilege for corporate users?
Yes, we provide discount if you have any corporate agreement with Sairu.
Do you provide any guide for Sightseeing?
We do not provide any guide at this moment but you can hire our vehicle (Chander Gari) for site seeing.
Do you have any accommodation for driver? If any than what is the cost?
Yes, we have accommodation facility at the cost of Tk. 1,800 including breakfast only for each driver.
Contact – Website – Email – Address?
**Email Us:
Sairu Hill Resorts Limited,
Baro mile, Chimbuk Road, Y Junction, Shualock,
Do you accept Credit card?
Yes. We do accept VISA, MASTERCARD & AMERICAN EXPRESS card. But the Telecommunication network in our resort is unstable. It is safe and we prefer our guests to do the payment in cash to avoid any unwanted situations.
Difference between Executive Room and Premium Room?
Premium Room is slightly bigger with a wider view than Executive Room. Toilets are same for both.
Do you have restaurant in your resort?
There is a standard restaurant _ 200 persons capacity with a properly equipped kitchen.
About wildlife surroundings
SAIRU resorts is located in the natural surroundings of Bandarban which is rich in vegetation. The concept was to give visitors a touch and feel of being in the nature itself as it is. Hence, it is quite natural to expect some wildlife like snakes, insects, geckoes(তক্ষক), lizards etc. For your information snakes do not make any sounds. Only certain insects and lizards make sounds over what we have no control. However, we can assure visitors that our rooms are very secure and no such creatures have access to the living quarters. In this regards visitor are also advised not to leave room door and windows open.
Can our car go there? Is the road good for car?
Considering the terrain of Bandarban and varying gradients of roads in the area a 1500cc car should be good enough. However, driving in the hilly terrain requires experience and constant visit.
Room Pictures?
Kindly visit our website.
Under the accommodation section, you will find your desired room pictures with details.
Best Room For Couple
we prefer Premium or Executive rooms for couples for a memorable Sairu experience.
Do You have any Honeymoon Package ? :
Yes ,
Honeymoon Package
*Vat and service charges included.
-For 2 nights.
-Accommodation in the Premium room.
-Pickup and Drop off from Bandarban – Sairu – Bandarban.
-Romantic flower decoration.
-2X Breakfast (Buffet).
-2X Lunch (Set menu).
-Complimentary Swimming pool.
-X Evening Snacks at swimming pool site (Set menu).
-2X Candlelight Dinner (Set menu).
-Gift hamper with a special cake.
-Extension night stay with breakfast 15,000 taka per room/night.
Honeymoon Package Terms & Condition
*Terms and Conditions:
*This package includes Breakfast, Lunch, Evening Snacks and Dinner.
*Only Couples are allowed in premium rooms.
*100% of the total package rate should be paid within 24 hours after pre-booking.
*Shifting dates will not be applicable.
*No refund of money on cancellation.
*No other discount privileges will be applicable.
*Valid Photo ID/ Passport/ Driving License copy required during check-in.
*local permission copy required for foreigners. (Charge excluded).
*Pets are not allowed.
Payment Procedure
Bank Details:
BRAC Bank, Banani.
After payment, please attach your payment copy with your name and check-in date to our email (
Bkash: (01708520880)
*Go to bKash Menu by dialing *247#
*Choose ‘Payment’ option by pressing ‘4’
*Enter our Merchant wallet number: 01708520880
*Enter a reference against your payment: (Your Booking Mobile Number)
*Enter the counter number: 1
you can also pay through Credit Card / Debit Card. In that case, you have come to our Dhaka office.
AC Bus service from Dhaka to Bandarban
1.Saintmartin Paribahan
2.Shyamoli Paribahan
3.Desh Travels Paribahan
Is the resort located in a malaria zone? What protection does the resort provide against mosquitoes and malaria?
You will be glad to know that there are hardly any mosquitoes in our resort. However, as a precaution, we regularly spray anti-mosquito substance in our rooms, restaurant area and spray weekly around the habited with the fogging machine. You may also check our Facebook/TripAdvisor reviews where you can see no complaint about mosquitoes.
Conference Room Rent :
For conference room privileges; Please call: +8801847417317
Do you have any internet facility there?
Yes, We have internet and wifi facilities available in each and every room.
Road condition During Rainfall
During heavy continuous rain in Bandarban and around, a small strip of road between Bandarban and Keranihut (Chattagram-Bandarban link) remain submerged for 6-8hours depending on the rainfall.
At this moment the road between Bandarban and Sairu is OK. We will let you know if there is any disruption. But if you fail to reach Bandarban due to submerging then you also can’t come to Sairu.
For the latest information about the road situation,
Please call:
01847 417 305
01847 417 306
01847 417 310
For Foreign Permission
Yes, you need local permission which we can arrange. But it takes 5 working days. You will have to send the scan copy of your passport, visa informing the intended days of your stay in Sairu Hill Resort. It will cost a certain charge and we will notify you about the charge when you will check-out. Please call us at the working hour if you need more clarifications.
ID card
Valid Photo ID/ Passport/ Driving License copy required during check-in. And local permission copy required for foreigners.
Parking Facilities?
Yes, we do have a spacious parking space at our resort.
pool for visitors
Unfortunately Swimming pool facilities are only for our in house guests.
Do you have bar in your resort?
Sorry, we don’t have any bar at the resort.